Supporting small business owners and why it is so important? By Jenny at Rock Chocs

Supporting small business owners and why it is so important? By Jenny at Rock Chocs

Supporting small business owners and why it is so important? By Jenny at Rock Chocs

Being a small business owner since 2019 when Rock Chocs was opened. I know how important it is for customers to support my brand. My brand is not just about me. I buy most of my products from small business owners who are in the same situation as me they have created a Brand and product range and are probably doing everything themselves from making the product, doing all social media, accounts, packing orders and everything else. By supporting my brand Rock Chocs rather than buying from a billion pound turnover company what it means to me and millions of other small business like mine is so much more.


If my business was to receive 10 more orders a day or 30 more orders a week more what it will mean is well the worry of having enough to pay over heads would certainly be eased. After paying overheads it means I can then re invest the money into various areas of my business firstly buying more products from artisan business like myself so that means I am helping other small business by stocking their products so not only are you helping my business by being a customer you are also helping all the brands that I stock and if more people buy the products it means I can then buy more regularly from these small business. With more sales coming it it means you have a better cash flow and can obviously pay your over heads, buy stock, possibly advertise, even think of hiring someone to design something for my business. I could then also make my dreams come true as I so want to make more chocolate products however need more equipment and ingredients which will take a while to achieve. The possibilities are endless. It also means on a personal level helping my family as there is a family behind my business and helping them and giving my son opportunities as he has lots of ideas himself would be just amazing.

So my customers are so important to me. With their support they are helping me use the money to buy stock, pay bills, buy ingredients to making chocolate, pay for my website and all the other bills needed to be paid. 

It means also I can give back more to my customers with more offers and other treats in with your orders. 

So please please let your friends know about Rock Chocs you do not have to be vegan to shop with us. We are about offering a fabulous range of products and customer service and making you feel special when you receive your order. 

We  will also each year help as many animal sanctuary as well as food banks out as it is so important to give back.


 I want to thank all my customers whether you buy once a year, weekly, monthly or more frequently without you I would not be here and you really do mean so much to me.


X   Jenny 

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